"....then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn...."

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Saddness of Snowflakes

notice the hexagon?  and the teary eyes?

We had our first "real" snowfall yesterday, so the youngest and I skipped around in our Science curriculum to do the short unit on seasons.  This sweet youngest child of mine is so tender and so, well, six years old, that when we talked about each snowflake being unique and made only one time- she wept.  She crawled into my lap and put her head on my shoulder and felt the heavy sadness of beauty lost.

That's when I remembered the website k12 had linked to for another lesson.  It has the most stunning photos of real snowflakes!  So we made paper snowflakes and then visited this website to view pictures of real flakes.  Beautiful!

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