"....then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn...."

Sunday, January 22, 2012

This and That. Doing something New.

Hello Dear Reader.
I'm in a quirky mood this evening and my mind is hopping along from topic to topic.  Hopefully, you don't mind a bit of this and that! :)

I was scanning other blogs and stumbled upon this reading list.  I can't wait to dig in and find some new favorites.  What a perfect time of year to try out some new books.  I tend to struggle in these darker, colder months and a good book is a great friend to me right now.

We were at our own public library right before Christmas and picked up this book:

This is a great beginner's book for knitting.  The illustrations are the most excellent and clear I've seen!

I'm in love with the kid's nonfiction section right now.  I love learning new things and have been trying, on and off, to get the hang of knitting for a couple of years now.  This book has simple and super clear illustrations and the knitting on those needles is mine!  It took me about an hour and a half to get that far, but I'm knitting! 

What do you think the kids said when I told them I'd been working so long and had gotten only four rows done?  It wasn't "Wow that's amazing!"   Kids think grown ups know how to do everything, and I love to get the chance to show them that I learn new things all the time, too.  Schooling at home gives us a great opportunity to have an environment of learning.  This was also a great chance to reinforce the idea that learning new things is rarely ever an easy start.  We have to work for new skills no matter how old we are. :)

So,  my old thing:  reading.  My new thing:  knitting.  May this January bring you many joys, old and new!

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